Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fix iPhone 4 Home Button by rubbing it with alcohol

Incredibly this repair method has worked on two iPhones I own that had issues with their home button for over a year. One was not registering clicks at all for a while and while it's not 100% fixed it does work about 70% of the time now. The other phone's home button works 100%, sweet!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

MacBook Jerky Bluetooth Mouse and Wifi

Noticed today that my bluetooth mouse connected to my MacBook Pro gets nearly unusable when doing large file transfer to a nearby computer, the cursor is jerky and skips large parts of the hand motion.

This seems to be connected to Wifi vs. Bluetooth antenna interference, the jerkiness is significantly worse when my MacBook is in clamshell mode i.e. lid closed connected to external monitor. As soon as the MacBook lid is open the mouse cursor movements become smooth again. Problem goes away once file transfer is completed too.

Wifi 802.11g
Logitech M555b
MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.53GHz, Mid 2009)
OS X 10.8.1